Rink Lighting

One of the members of our community has a nice unique lighting setup that we wanted to share with everyone. Materials Used 1.5′ gutter downspout, ducked taped at the bottom Sika fence post mix (Each package will stabilize 2 posts) 2” x 5′ PVC interior post that goes in the drain pipe 2 – 2′ … Read more

Rink Shade

One of the our followers on Instagram,  Kyle and his Dad, Kevin, have been building a their backyard rink for 16+ years and I have to say, it is pretty darn sweet. One of the features that  caught my attention was the addition of a shade to help with the sun on the north side of their rink. … Read more

Filling Your Rink

So you have built your rink. Your neighbors or loved ones might think your crazy, but that’s just because they haven’t caught rink fever yet. Filling your rink and laying your liner down should go hand in hand. You don’t want the liner down for a long time without water in it, as you could be inviting … Read more

Breaking Down Your Rink

The end of outdoor rink season is always bittersweet. It means it’s time to usher spring and beautiful weather, but also means you have to break down the rink and pack it up for next winter. We have compiled a some helpful tips for the breakdown process, that will hopefully make it easy on you now and when … Read more

Choosing your Rink Liner

A key aspect to your build is your liner. If you live in a cold enough climate you can get away without one by packing the snow up to create the walls. However, if you get a mid-season thaw, you could very well be in trouble!  The topic of liners could easily cause quite a … Read more

Brace Yourself: A quick guide to bracing your rink boards

In building your rink you need to determine what you are going to use for your boards and how to brace them. One of the biggest parts of picking your bracing is measuring your slope and knowing if you have to hold back a lot of water or not.  This was one of of the toughest things for me, I … Read more

Got Slope? How to measure the slope of your rink area

One of the biggest issues when trying to build your rink is the slope of the area where you want to build. Not checking this before building could potentially cause you major headaches when you get to the flooding stage. There are a few ways to to check your slope. The first is the string … Read more

So you want to build a backyard/outdoor rink?

Congratulations on making the best decision ever! It won’t always be easy but in the end it’s was one of the best decisions I made for my family. Here is a basic outline of what it takes to get going on your new endeavor. We have articles covering the various topics of this process. Choose your liner Measure the slope of … Read more