Recently we put up a post in out Facebook community asking the members for their input on the best gifts to get for your backyard rink or your backyard rink maintainer. We had quite the collection of ideas. We compiled some of our favorites below.
Do you have other ideas? Make sure you send them over to us!
Some of the links below are Amazon links. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This doesn’t change the price of the product for you, we just earn a few cents on each transaction from Amazon Services LLC.

Mad Bomber Hat
Nothing beats a nice warm hat! Many different variants of color.
Amazon: Mad Bomber Red Black Brown Plaid Wool Pilot Aviator Hat Faux Fur Trapper Hunting Cap, Large

Backyard Ice Rinks Gear
That’s right we have our own store with the BIR logo on various items. Support and promote the best group on Facebook!

2×4 Basics Bench Kit
This is a nice kit to help you quickly build benches. It allows you to build custom benches of any length depending on the lumber you buy. The lumber is not included.
Amazon: 2x4basics 90134ONLMI Custom AnySize Chair or Bench Ends, Sand (lumber not included, only supports)

NiceRink Resurfacer
There is nothing better than a fresh sheet of ice. The NiceRink Resurfacer makes ice like glass, in less time, less water and less hassle than just the hose. Thin controlled applications of water result in super smooth ice on any rink.

One of the key tools of the trade. For cleaning up around the rink. There are many different styles and preferences. Two of the most commonly recommended shovels are The Snowplow and the ManPlow.
Amazon: The Snowplow “the Original Snow Pusher” 36″ Wide Model 50536
Amazon: Manplow 42 Inch Revolution Snow Pusher with Grab Bar

Third Assist Gloves
Third Assist is the only maker of insulated hockey gloves on the market. Gloves are fully insulated throughout, except the front of the hand so the user can retain full control and feel of the stick- perfect for spending hours on the backyard rink or pond.

Hockey Sauce Kit
Nothing beats playing a game of sauce, especially on your backyard rink!
Use BACKYARDRINKS for 10% off!

Skaboots aren’t “just skate guards.” They are the world’s first walkable skate guard. Much wider than typical skate guards, their boot-like soles provide amazing walking stability with excellent traction and mobility.

Sparx Sharpener
Skating on your backyard rink isn’t like skating on your regular indoor rink. You might need to sharpen more often. Lukily, the Sparx Sharpener delivers pro-level accuracy every single time and the all new, lightweight design allows you to sharpen anywhere, anytime – from your home to the rink.

Hot Hands Super Warmers
The long nights of rink maintenance can get cold very quickly! Nothing better than some added heat.

Weather Station
Knowing your local weather is super important to building a rink. This is a nice tool to add to your rink tool box.