- Holiday Gift GuideRecently we put up a post in out Facebook community asking the members for their input on the best gifts to get for your backyard rink or your backyard rink maintainer. We had quite the collection of ideas. We compiled some of our favorites below. Do you have other ideas? Make sure you send them … Read more
- Can you build a backyard rink on top of a septic system?Can you build a backyard rink on top of a septic system? We have seen this question pop up a lot in our Facebook group. We were able to get an answer from a licensed septic installer in CT. He is a member of our group. His answer was straight up, NO! He went into … Read more
- Rink LightingOne of the members of our community has a nice unique lighting setup that we wanted to share with everyone. Materials Used 1.5′ gutter downspout, ducked taped at the bottom Sika fence post mix (Each package will stabilize 2 posts) 2” x 5′ PVC interior post that goes in the drain pipe 2 – 2′ … Read more
- Let The Frozen Backyard Rink Memories BeginWell, it’s that time of year again, when a special breed of people finally get ready for what they have been waiting for since spring. It’s the start of the Outdoor rink season, and I know all the backyard rink enthusiasts are excited. Just by going by the posts on social media, many folks have … Read more
- Tools for the RinkWe wanted to make a few suggestions of some items you should keep around the rink for when it’s time to do some maintenance on the ice. These come from experience of myself and tips I have picked up from others along the way. Shovel – To remove the snow both from mother nature and … Read more